Category: News & Events

Art a la Carte

Fibers at “Art a la Carte” -Artel Gallery

Fibers at “Art a la Carte” -Artel Gallery

A Lovely Gathering

Thank you Artel Gallery for such an amazing “Art a la Carte” event!—the annual wearable-art gallery fundraiser. The overall quality of the work was exceptional and both the show and luncheon were grand successes. Below are a few photos from the event.

All work can be found through Artel Gallery: Art With An Edge.

Card by Patricia O'Neal

Each attendee received a beautiful, hand-made card by Patricia O’Neal. Thank you, Patricia!


Patricia O'Neal modelling a silk scarf.

Patricia O’Neal modelling a silk scarf.

Jewelry at "Art a la Carte" -Artel Gallery


Jewelry at "Art a la Carte" -Artel Gallery


Fibers at "Art a la Carte" -Artel Gallery


Industrial Design at "Art a la Carte" -Artel Gallery

Industrial Design

Best of Show at Artel Gallery

Follow me on Twitter @TerreBritton

“The Green Vase,” by Terre Britton.

“The Green Vase.” Acrylic – (c)2012 36″ x 48″

What better way to begin a new blog than with celebratory news.

This spring I discovered the Artel Gallery (@artelPensacola), in Pensacola, FL. I saw two amazing shows: the Women’s Show and “Art As Social Discourse.” After learning that the shows were juried but open to all artists, and although I’d never considered entering a juried show before, I took the plunge into their edgy still-life competition, “Fruits, Vegetables and All Things Still,” and “The Green Vase” won Best of Show!

"The Green Vase" at Artel Gallery.

“The Green Vase” at Artel Gallery.

So, a completely new chapter has opened in my life, and I hope to share my journey with you through this blog, so welcome! I look forward to your company.

Me and "The Green Vase"

Me and “The Green Vase.” Acrylic – (c)2012


Me and my husband Daniel

Me and my loving husband Daniel; he’s my biggest fan!


The icing...

My unexpected cash prize!–bent from being squished in my hot little hand.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to some of the people that made this experience possible: to Karen Valdéz, the juror, for selecting my piece for such an honor; to Susanne Robbert, the President of Artel Gallery (@artelPensacola), for affording me and all artists the opportunity to partake in such a rich and diverse arts community, and for the unexpected cash award(!); to Sheila Courtney, for her respect, excitement and support; and to Lee Courtney for being the bearer of such amazing news. Thank you! And thank you to all the other artists at the opening who introduced yourselves and offered your congratulations. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you, learning about your art and congratulating ’you’ in future shows. Exciting times!

And if you happen to be driving through Pensacola, the show is up until Oct. 4!

Click to follow Artel Gallery on Facebook.

Follow me on Twitter @TerreBritton

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