Tag: Gratitude

“All Things Holy” – An Art Exhibition, June 4 to July 12, 2013—(Updated)

"All Things Holy" --art by Terre Britton, at Artel Gallery, June 4 to July 12, 2013

A gracious nod to Artel Gallery.

Award Show

I’m thrilled to invite you all to my first art exhibit: All Things Holy. I was awarded the honor of a solo exhibition when I won Best of Show for “The Green Vase,” in September, 2012, at Artel Gallery, Pensacola, FL. Most of the work to be on display has been created since that date. The show runs from June 4 to July 12 in the Award Alcove and coincides with Artel’s main juried event: Time.

The reception is June 14, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

I would love to see you there!

Updated June 20, 2013

List of Images in the Exhibition

(I will be posting the remaining images in the coming weeks and I will link each list item to its corresponding post as it is added.)

Behind the Scenes” ©2013, Acrylic on Canvas, 30″ x 40″

I See” ©2011, Acrylic on Canvas, 24″ x 30″

The Awakening” ©2011, Acrylic on Canvas, 24″ x 29.75″

Madonna of the Light—My Boy” ©2013 Acrylic on Canvas, 22″ x 28″

Solo No.3: Holy Apple” ©2012 – Acrylic on Canvas Board, 9″ x 12″

Not an Apple” ©2012 – Acrylic on Canvas Board, 12″ x 9″

I Am Orange V” ©2013, Acrylic on Canvas, 20″ x 16″

bōs—the sacrifice” ©2013 Acrylic on Canvas,

Origin” ©2012 Acrylic on Canvas, 48″ x 36″

Communion” ©2011– Acrylic on Stretched Canvas, 24″ x 12″

All image links will appear here as they are posted:

"Behind the Scenes," by Terre Britton

“Behind the Scenes” ©2013, Acrylic on Canvas, 30″ x 40″

Madonna of the Light—My Boy, by Terre Britton

“Madonna of the Light—My Boy”

"I Am Orange V," by Terre Britton

I Am Orange V

"bōs—the sacrifice," by Terre Britton

bōs—the sacrifice

"I See" ©2011, Acrylic on Canvas, by Terre Britton

I See

"Not an Apple," by Terre Britton

Not an Apple

"The Awakening," by Terre Britton

The Awakening

"Solo No.3: Holy Apple," by Terre Britton

Holy Apple

"Communion," by Terre Britton


Spiegel im Spiegel

Spiegel im Spiegel

“Spiegel im Spiegel” (c)2012, Acrylic on Canvas, 24″ x 48″

Seumas McNally (1979 to 2000)

I knew Seumas as a sweet, giggly and brilliant child. He grew into his good nature and genius until, tragically, cancer stole him from us just after his 21st birthday, in 2000.

We all miss you, Seumas.

You can read my sister Wendy’s eulogy of her son here.

This painting is meant to be viewed while listening to Arvo Part’s Spiegel im Spiegel. Below is a short version of the song on YouTube, but a superior and complete version can be found on Q2 Music (@q2music) by clicking here and scrubbing to 1:45:45. 

Spiegel im Spiegel, the painting, has been accepted into the juried “Family” show at Artel Gallery, and is on view from March 5 to April 12.

Seumas McNally Remembered

This was my short video tribute to Seumas on the 10th anniversary of his death.

Wishing You a Life of Love

Apple Tree (c)2001, Digital Art

Apple Tree (c)2001, Digital Art

Happy Valentine’s Day

Here is a small gift of gratitude for all my wonderful friends who have been kind enough to stop by and comment or visit my site to browse around.

Just click on this text link to download a PDF of printable bookmarks.

Enjoy, and have fun reading!



Art a la Carte

Fibers at “Art a la Carte” -Artel Gallery

Fibers at “Art a la Carte” -Artel Gallery

A Lovely Gathering

Thank you Artel Gallery for such an amazing “Art a la Carte” event!—the annual wearable-art gallery fundraiser. The overall quality of the work was exceptional and both the show and luncheon were grand successes. Below are a few photos from the event.

All work can be found through Artel Gallery: Art With An Edge.

Card by Patricia O'Neal

Each attendee received a beautiful, hand-made card by Patricia O’Neal. Thank you, Patricia!


Patricia O'Neal modelling a silk scarf.

Patricia O’Neal modelling a silk scarf.

Jewelry at "Art a la Carte" -Artel Gallery


Jewelry at "Art a la Carte" -Artel Gallery


Fibers at "Art a la Carte" -Artel Gallery


Industrial Design at "Art a la Carte" -Artel Gallery

Industrial Design

Quick Study: Square Apples

Quick Study: Square Apples

Square Apples (c)2012 -Acrylic, 20″ x 16″


Take the Challenge

I’m connected with the most amazing painter on Google Plus, +Lena Levin.

She started a couple of challenges: “Chagall Challenge”:  making a Chagall-inspired artwork (in any medium, traditional or digital) and posting it on G+ for virtual exhibition in December at +In Studio With The Masters. Any visual artist is invited to participate for a virtual exhibition in December. The other was a personal challenge: the “Wrong color”: to paint something in color that would seem “wrong” realistically speaking, but that would feel “right” to the painter.  The bold freshness of her “Floating apple” got me hooked!

So, besides working on the Chagall Challenge on the side, I started me on my own “Quick Study” challenge. The first thing I do when I walk in the studio is grab a small canvas or board and sketch with paint for ten minutes—like stretching before running. There are no expectations of genius in these, just raw expression.

The image in this post is part of my “Quick Study” series but inspired by Lena’s floating apples. It left me unimpressed; I left it in a corner. Danny’s only comment was, “They’re square!”—hence, the name. But after a couple of days, seeing it out of the corner of my eye, I grew very fond of it! You might not like it, or any of the other studies I’ll post, but they help me work out my color-kinks! So feel free to comment, even if you detest what you see!

On Google plus, you can also follow these tags: #chagallchallenge #weeklychallenge #marcchagall

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